Resolución del Challenge de Decision Management Community – Tax Decision Table

Resolution of the Decision Management Community Challenge – Tax Decision Table

«Resolution of the Decision Management Community Challenge – Tax Decision Table» , by Daniel Rodriguez Escabias and Alberto Grande Gómez. Challenge Every few months, DECISION MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY proposes challenges on Decision Management that are posted on their website, in which anyone can participate and submit their solution using any decision management and business rules system. In the “Tax Decision Table” challenge we…

decide4AI, el partner de IBM con el mayor equipo de expertos en ODM de Europa

decide4AI, the IBM Gold Business Partner with the largest team of ODM experts in Europe

The Digital Decisioning team at decide4AI is one of the largest and most experienced IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) teams in Europe. IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) is IBM’s business rules management system (BRMS). The tool is part of IBM Cloud Pak® for Automation and allows you to analyze, automate and govern business decisions based…

Resolution of the Feb-2021 Challenge - Benchmark “Medical Services”

Resolution of the Feb-2021 Challenge – Benchmark “Medical Services”

Challenge Every few months, DECISION MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY proposes challenges on Decision Management that are posted on their website, in which anyone can participate and submit their solution using any decision management and business rules system. The challenge for February 2021, Benchmark “Medical Services”, consists of implementing a decision service capable of assigning the coverage of…

Challenge #NOV014: Who killed Agatha?

We have moved back to London in the Victorian era to solve Agatha’s death mystery and thus to face this month’s Challenge, following the usual Agatha Christie’s style. This is our response to the challenge posted by LinkedIn group The Decision Model for the month of November and has the following statement: Decision Model “Who…